Sunday, May 23, 2010

Elementary Sanity

Presumably, sanity is to be preferred to insanity. As such, if sanity is to be maintained, its most elementary aspects must also be maintained. But suffice to say, whilst most will be forced to recognise the elementary truths which underpin reality - the recognition of which constitutes basic sanity - they will disparage them in practice. And from this, it follows, that in practice, the most pernicious form of insanity can take hold.

The most elementary principle consists simply in the recognition of the existence of truth. Upon its recognition, all sanity is derived; upon its denial, insanity. Indeed, who can deny that reality is real simply because it is? Truth is real because reality is real. It pertains to the essence of reality to be real, and consequently true.

Any attempt to deny this will only serve to illustrate the fact of the existence of truth. For the one who audaciously claims "there is no such thing as truth!" is himself making a claim he purports to be true. And so, such a statement is self-refuting.

But how many times do we hear this attitude, that there is nothing at all set in concrete, eternally true, for all places and all times (which implies the very existence of truth can be doubted)? Tragically, such an attitude exhibits a deep insanity, against which even schizophrenia will appear sane!

There is no more futile and insane exercise than to cast doubt on the reality of truth. The more one attempts to do so, there more it stares one in the face (as denying truth is continually self-refuting).

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